8 Watchmen Characters Based On Charlton Comics

4. Ozymandias / Thunderbolt

Watchmen Characters
DC Comics

It isn’t always the strongest men who get the job done, but those who can use mind over matter, allowing their intelligence to solve problems. No one personifies this idea more than Ozymandias.

Adrian Veidt is the catalyst for many of the events of Watchmen. Using his vast intellect, wealth, and mastery of strategy, Adrian is determined to live life as a chess game, just not one where he is the pawn. He uses his brilliance to make him a formidable threat to all those who oppose him, while also planning for a better future.

Ozymandias took inspiration from Peter Cannon aka Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt was created in the 60’s and his story begins with him being orphaned at a Tibetan monastery after his parents died trying to cure the inhabitants of a deadly disease. As a show of gratitude, the highest priest in the monastery vowed to imbue Peter with the organizations most precious knowledge and training.

The monks took Peter in and he was given divine training in all matters of the mind. Now gifted with an extraordinary intellect and in peak physical condition, Peter returned to as Thunderbolt, determined to save the world from itself.

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I am a veteran of the U.S. Army, comic book fanatic and part-time super hero. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.