9 Best Comic Book Insults Ever

5. Nick Fury And Rocket Raccoon: "What Does It Look Like?"

Spider Man Deadpool
Marvel Comics

Nick Fury, as discussed earlier in this list, has a habit of dropping bizarre, unusual and outright hilarious one-liners and insults as seen in his 60+ years of publication. A firm rival for the crown of 'sharp tongued, rugged badass', thanks to his fan-favourite portrayal in the MCU's Guardians Of The Galaxy films, is Rocket Raccoon.

The cranky, foul-mouthed munitions expert of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket has long been delivering insults and one-liners at villains and heroes alike for decades now. Put him in a heated exchange with a connoisseur of the more outlandish insults in Marvel's history and you get the gem shown above.

An insult far more out-of-the-blue than it is particularly spiteful or hilarious, Nick Fury's eloquent description of Rocket blindsided readers of a usually more tame Marvel Comics with a one-liner that neatly summarised the similarities between Marvel's premiere foul-mouthed hard-asses.


Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy