9 Best Comic Book Insults Ever

3. Alfred And Batman: "Or What, Master Bruce?"

Spider Man Deadpool
DC Comics

Batman, for all his fear-tactics and brutal vigilante justice, is really only ever spoken down to by the man who raised him for most of his life, Alfred Pennyworth.

A father-figure and crime-fighting accomplice rolled into one, Alfred has begrudgingly come to accept and aid Bruce Wayne's campaign against the crime ridden underbelly of Gotham City. However, he's never one to suppress his disdain for Bruce's reckless lack of personal safety and the sheer ridiculousness of his Bat-themed capers.

Alfred, in one of many sharp-tongued dress downs of Bruce, bluntly mocks Batman's origin story and crusade against evil. Not only poking fun at a usually intimidating and brooding character, Alfred's sarcasm pokes a hole through the thin veneer of absurdity that comes standard with every superhero comic ever written, no matter how serious it wants you to think it is.


Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy