9 Biggest WTF Harley Quinn Moments

4. Creating Joker-Boy (Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker)

You see that thing up there? It€™s pretty unnerving, isn€™t it? Imagine it waking you up in the middle of the night. I€™ve heard that if you turn off the lights, stare into a mirror and say its name three times, then you are extremely gullible. If you haven€™t seen Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, you probably should. It€™s in this animated feature, scribed by Paul Dini, that one of the saddest, most heartbreaking Batman scenes occur, so harrowing that it was originally censored. Harley kidnaps Tim Drake, a young Robin at the time, so that she and The Joker can remake him in Joker€™s image through a three week day-spa of torture, mutilation, drugging, brainwashing and manicures. During this time, Tim gave up the identity of the Bat-family members and it was all captured on film so that Joker could gloat about it to Bruce. The worst part is that Tim is aware that he€™s been turned into Joker-boy, made painfully obvious when the Joker orders him to murk Batman. Tim is laughing hysterically and without control, until he shoots Joker, killing him, and the laughter turns to tears as Batgirl holds Tim tight. Whew€ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etst4t3ES8Y Making it even worse is that forty years later, the Joker returns, using Tim€™s body as a puppet. Having placed a microchip containing his consciousness inside Tim€™s body (I know, just go with it), Joker lives on beyond death. It€™s actions like these that really highlight just how sinister Harley Quinn can be. She was equally responsible, being the one to deliver Tim to the Joker and participating in the creation of Joker-boy. It€™s true that Joker is normally the instigator, but Harley is just as guilty as her mister. You have to wonder, would she stay with Joker if he were to stop encouraging her psychopathic tendencies and flair for giant hammers? I know that was a bit of a bummer, but don€™t worry, the next entry will definitely cheer you up.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.