9 Most Shocking Betrayals In Marvel History

4. Sharon Carter - Death Of Captain America

Captain America Hail Hydra Secret Empire
Marvel Comics

In the aftermath of Civil War Captain America is in S.H.I.E.L.D custody on his way to trial. Cuffed in restraints that limit his powers he climbs the steps to the court house. A sniper's dot appears on the officer in front of him and Steve (being Steve) does what comes naturally and throws himself in front of the bullet.

Rushed to hospital, it is obvious that this very well might be the end for ol' Cap, dead at the hands of Crossbones of all people.

Except it turns out that even though Crossbones fired the first shot, the follow up rounds were delivered by Sharon Carter at point blank range while under the influence of Doctor Faustus, who is in league with The Red Skull.

Though an incredibly convoluted way to go around taking out your biggest enemy, the fact that the killing blow is dealt by the woman he loves makes Sharon Carter's actions genuinely jaw dropping. Add into the mix that she finds out later on she's pregnant and her betrayal, even if it wasn't really her fault, becomes a tragedy.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.