Avengers: Endgame - 10 Best Times Marvel Heroes Came Back To Life

9. Endless Clones Of Black Widow

Steve Rogers Captain America Return
Marvel Comics

Black Widow is the product of a top-secret Russian government program called The Red Room which specializes in having a terrible name, teaching kids ballet, and making assassins.

Black Widow originally appeared as a spy working against Iron Man, because why not send an unpowered human against a giant, robotic supersoldier? What could go wrong?

Apparently nothing. Turns out that Black Widow - who most recently bit the dust when an evil Tesseract created nightmare Steve Rogers punched her in the mouth real hard - has died almost infinite times. Go look at the stars. Start counting. When you get to 250, she'll have died like nine more times.

But she always comes back. Because the Red Room has her DNA database, and an Ellen-Ripley-in-Alien-Resurrection level creepy clone lab.

So if ScarJo bites the big one, don't worry, they'll have a fresh clone ready to go. Just, you know, maybe one with a different face. And a slightly smaller paycheck.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.