Batman: 10 Awful Villains The Dark Knight Should Be Ashamed Of

7. Cluemaster


There comes a time when we all struggle for ideas. The important thing is not to panic, weigh up your options and don€™t just jump at the first suggestion. It€™s more than likely been thought before. Unfortunately this process clearly didn€™t happen when DC came up with the Cluemaster. Arthur Brown was a failed game show host when he turned to a life of crime, leaving clues behind for some unknown reason so that Batman can catch him.

Sounds dreadfully familiar doesn€™t it? That€™s because the Riddler is basically the same character with a different name. Apparently the slight different between riddles and clues meant the opportunity presented itself to introduce TWO characters that more often than not are the reason for their criminal undoing. The only difference is Edward Nygma is compelling in trying to outsmart the Batman while The Cluemaster is just an idiot.

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As a pretty nerdy guy, I've loved film and television since I was a wee lad. Growing up in Ireland, The Den was the show to watch with it playing Batman The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation and everything in between. I have an MA in Radio and Television Production and have written for various sites, hope you enjoy my articles/lists for What Culture!