Batman: 5 Great Non-DC Opponents For The Caped Crusader

1. Kingpin (Marvel Comics)

kingpin Marvel has an abundance of villains who would make great opponents for Batman (Norman Osborn, Dracula, Owl, Typhoid Mary etc), but since I wanted to use no more than one character per source, I've chosen Wilson Fisk; the Kingpin. Kingpin would make an awesome opponent for Batman. He's insanely rich - with his fingers in a plethora of business pies - meaning that he could potentially be a threat to Bruce in a business sense, but he's also a physical monster (the man can go toe-to-toe with Spider-Man and come out on top) so Batman would really have his hands full in a physical fight. Fisk also has an army of typical Batman-fodder type goons at his disposal, so he could make Batman work fighting crime on a street level, while he's also a genius and a master strategist, so he could offer a challenge to Batman's mind as well. Do you agree with this list? Which other non-DC villains do you think would make good opponents for Batman? Let us know in the comments box below!And please feel free to follow me on Twitter.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.