3. Family: We Hate Each Other, But Theres That Terrorist...
While the family are all individuals, they recognize the greater dangers at hand. Two storylines strike out particularly in recent history, with Tony Daniels Battle For the Cowl, and of course Scott Snyders current run on Batman in the New 52. In either story, the heroes were brought together out of necessity, and love has absolutely nothing to do with it. Many members of the Bat-Family cannot stand each other, would much rather put handcuffs on, or even better bullets through, their estranged Family members. But they remain a family, united behind the cause of their leader: to save his city in times of great need. No matter how much tension exists within the Family, each individual recognizes a time of great need when they must come together and prove just who really owns Gothams soul. One of the best images Ive seen in recent weeks is Jason Todd having breakfast with Tim Drake. Theyve tried to arrest or kill each other in the past, but they see a common goal, or at least a common history that cannot be ignored. This goodness, even in the midst of such turmoil, is a comfort that readers will cling to.