Batman #77 Just Killed Your Favourite Character

Bane has taken things to a whole new level...

Bane Batman Spoilers
DC Comics

Proving once more that Tom King's current 'City of Bane' storyline is a continual emotional rollercoaster, Batman #77 greets us with some absolute heartbreak - that you should definitely click away from now if you don't want it spoiled for you.

Said spoiler has some huge implications for both the Batman franchise and DC universe at large, so this moment could easily prove to be one of the most important events in recent Bat-history. With such a big potential impact, it is worth warning again that below lie huge spoilers for the newest issue of Batman. Look away now if you don't wish to be spoiled!


Batman 77 Cover
DC Comics

Final Warning...


Batman #77 closes up the issue with a full-page dedicated to Bane snapping beloved butler Alfred Pennyworth's neck in front of a kidnapped Damian, in a move that is sure to break hearts worldwide. Exactly why Bane and Thomas Wayne colluded to kill the old man isn't entirely clear yet, but one thing is: Batman is going to lose his mind when he finds out.

Bane Batman Alfred Pennyworth
DC Comics

There's plenty of room to hold out hope this isn't the real Alfred - with some fans speculating that the murdered man's pleas to his 'master' are to Bane, instead of to Damian, meaning there is a chance that one of Bane's peons was disguised as the butler instead.


For the time being, however, we have to accept that we live in a world where the patriarch of the Wayne family and its adopted wards is dead, and try and deal with the surprising amount of grief his passing entails.



Crying desolately about the void that Alfred's death has left in your life? Let us know in the comments down below!

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