Batman: Ranking Every Robin Worst To Best

3. Damian Wayne

Nightwing Red Hood Robin New 52
DC Comics

Although Damian may not be the best Robin, he perhaps has the best claim to the Batman mantle. Damian is the only son of Bruce Wayne, first appearing in Batman #655 in late 2006.

Damian is the son of Talia Al Ghul, who birthed him in an artificial womb using her & Bruce's DNA. This means he is the grandson of Batman's nemesis and former tutor, Ra's Al Ghul.

Being the grandson of the Demon's Head means you're going to train with the League of Assassins. Under the tutelage of Ra's, Damian became an expert fighter, a skilled swordsman, and acquired various other skills needed for ninja activities.

The League are not exactly diplomats, so Damian has a history of violence and even murder, which often puts him at odds with his father. He also has a far more arrogant demeanor than previous Robins. Still, Damian has his bright spots as a capable businessman and lover of animals.


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