Batman’s 10 Craziest Mentors

9. Don Miguel (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)

€œWhen they see a car like this, a car from dreams, with a touch of magic to it...The truth is, they won€™t catch you, Bruce, because deep down, they don€™t want to€ €“ Don Miguel
Don Miguel is a Brazilian getaway driver who appears to be a twisted collision of Jason Statham€™s character in the Transporter movies and Eddie Gordo from the Tekken game series. And in his one and only appearance (to date), it is heavily implied that he inspired the creation of The Batmobile. The character first appeared in Batman Issue 21 (August 2013) in the Zero Year backup story Where The Hell Did He Learn To Drive?! By Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV and Rafael Albuquerque. He drove a heavily pimped-out super car (complete with awesome gadgets) and wielded a rocket launcher. Unlike his protégé, Don Miguel killed without thinking twice about it. This meant that The Don€™s final lesson ended when a 19-year-old Bruce Wayne knocked him out with one punch and left him at the mercy of the police. He was a criminal, after all...
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I am a professional author and lifelong comic books/pro wrestling fan. I also work as a journalist as well as writing comic books (I also draw), screenplays, stage plays, songs and prose fiction. I don't generally read or reply to comments here on What Culture (too many trolls!), but if you follow my Twitter (@heyquicksilver), I'll talk to you all day long! If you are interested in reading more of my stuff, you can find it on (my personal site, which has other wrestling/comics/pop culture stuff on it). I also write for FLiCK, which is the best place to read my fiction work. Oh yeah - I'm about to become a Dad for the first time, so if my stuff seems more sentimental than usual - blame it on that! Finally, I sincerely appreciate every single read I get. So if you're reading this, thank you, you've made me feel like Shakespeare for a day! (see what I mean?) Latcho Drom, - CQ