Black Lantern Corps: 9 Non-DC Characters Who Could Wield The Ring Of Death

7. Adam (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

Cyborgs - Adam Buffy 2 Adam would make an interesting Black Lantern on the basis that he's actually a cyborg. He's made from a combination of machinery, the dead parts of a human and the dead parts of various demons. This would make him a very unique kind of black ring wielder. Adam possessed superhuman strength and durability, a vast intellect and array of knowledge, the ability to see through illusions, a built-in mini-gun, a built-in grenade-launcher and sharp, protruding spikes from his hands. As a former soldier (well, his human parts, at least), he'd bring some organisation to the otherwise reckless and disorderly corps of undead murderers.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.