EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

3. Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) - Justice League #5

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics

With Gardner easily being the most punchable superhero in the entire DC universe, a fight between him and Batman was pretty much nature taking its course.

After joining the Justice League, Gardner constantly berates Batman and his authority amongst the League, eventually challenging him to a fight. To add insult to injury, Guy stated he'd fight the Dark Knight without his Lantern Ring, believing he could best the hero even without his powers.

Aware that the Green Lantern was practically impossible to reason with, Batman decided to explain why he was better than Gardner in a way the ginger hero couldn't argue with - namely, by knocking him unconscious in one solid punch.

The moment is arguably the most iconic punch in comic history, and is constantly referenced by characters in the DC universe - much to the continual ire of Guy, who is still more than a little bitter over the whole encounter.


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