Everything You Need To Know About DCeased
4. It's As Haunting As You'd Expect
There are generally only two good approaches to zombie media: one being comedy, and the other being the obvious horror route.
DCeased features the odd comedic moment here and there, but largely follows the latter of these approaches; the hordes of undead being genuinely terrifying (for as terrifying as it is possible for a comic to be).
While Taylor's writing is obviously a key player in this, it is really the book's artwork that creates this haunting atmosphere - the more heavy inks and slightly darker than normal colours making for a proper horror aesthetic that properly reflects the terror of this version of DC's world. This is something which the art team of Hairsine, Harren, Gaudiano and Beredo are to be thanked for.
Along with this is some great lettering from Saida Temofonte, which gives the title's letters a scratched out feel that furthers the horror aesthetic even more. Letterers are often the unsung heroes of comics, and Temofonte illustrates their value and more in DCeased.