Green Lantern: 10 Greatest Characters (And 1 That Sucked)

3. Atrocitus

2761460.atrocitus Despite the rather evil and hellish exterior, Atrocitus was born of tragedy. The "glitch" of the robot force of the Manhunters killed all life in his sector, except himself. He witnessed his family murdered before his very eyes and from this grief came the formation of the Red Lantern Corps (emotion: rage.) His goal was the destruction of the Guardians themselves as they had created the Manhunters and therefore were responsible. His mastery of blood magic and seeing future events were interesting aspects to his character but what's so fascinating is the complete transformation into a Red Lantern from what he once was. The ring replaces his heart, the most universal of symbols relating to love. Everything he loved is gone so what need does he have for his heart any more. His rage, his desire for revenge (and ultimately for all those who have been horrifically wronged) make him a truly unique though unusual hero.

Michael spends far too much time watching movies and upgrading his ridiculously large DVD collection to Blu-Ray. He has returned to writing with the hope that one day he'll get paid for doing something he enjoys rather than watching a clock and praying for the weekend to arrive.