Harleen: Everything You Need To Know About DC's New Harley Quinn Comic

7. It's A Re-Imagining And Not A New Origin

Harleen Harley Quinn
DC Comics
Harleen is a story of a flawed person who meant well, a doctor who fell in love with her patient. It is a story of her road to hell—paved with good intentions—and a smile that cost her her soul. More than anything it is a tale about good people falling. Falling in love, falling from grace, and falling apart.”

This statement from Stjepan Sejic will hopefully put to rest any fears that fans of Harley Quinn have that DC is going to completely change her entire origin. After all, it's now pretty much set in stone how the Crown Princess of Crime turned her back on her evil ways and started to fight the good fight.

The main concern amongst the fandom when this book was first even hinted at was that DC might change the back-story beyond all recognition just to shake things up. However, it seems that, for all intents and purposes, this version will follow the origin of Harleen Quinzel as closely as it possibly can.

But that doesn't mean there won't be a few changes. For example...


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.