How Iron Man Would Defeat Each Member Of The Avengers

2. The Hulk

Iron Man Civil War 2
Marvel Comics / Alex Ross

And with that, we come to by far the hardest entry to figure out of them all. Why? Well, there's a few reasons, but how about we start with the fact that THE HULK LITERALLY CANNOT DIE.

Bruce actually tried to see if he could die, and had Hawkeye shoot him in the head. The Hulk just woke up later that night. Hulk has been telekinetically flayed alive, chopped into pieces and put in jars, blasted point blank by Black Bolt. Hulk truly is the strongest one there is, because when he gets going, there is no stopping him.

So the only solution is to not even try to engage.

Iron Man TRIED shooting Hulk into space and being done with it, but since that ended uh... less than ideally for him, he'll have to try something similar but much more thorough. As such, the best solution I can think of for taking out someone who is impossible to kill is to just knock Bruce out, lock him in a metal box, and drop that box to the bottom of Mariana's Trench.

Tony in this scenario will have learned from his mistake with Planet Hulk, so he would keep him sedated as Bruce, in a cage that would keep him in an artificially induced coma at the bottom of the deepest trench on the planet. If anyone could make something that could survive that kind of pressure and keep a person alive at the same time, it would be Tony Stark. And when dealing with The Hulk, it's really the only option available.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?