How Spider-Man Would Defeat Every Batman Villain

7. Scarecrow

Spider-Man Poison Ivy
DC Comics

If you had to compare Scarecrow with any of Spider-Man's rogues' gallery, it would have to be Mysterio. Having no superpowers, both criminals rely on illusions to best their enemies.

Although Mysterio relies on holographic technology to make his illusions look legit, Scarecrow uses a simpler technique - drugs. After being exposed to Scarecrow's Fear Gas, his victims will suffer horrific hallucinations that can potentially scare them to death.

Now, it goes without saying that Spider-Man has his fair share of issues. After losing his parents, Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacy, and many others, it's safe to assume Peter has suffered more trauma than most. Because of this, you'd think Spider-Man would be paralysed by grief and self-doubt if exposed to Scarecrow's Fear Gas.

However, the Wall-crawler can defeat Scarecrow the same way he's defeated Mysterio time and time again - relying on his Spider-Sense. No matter what the Fear Gas forces Spidey to see, he knows he's not in any danger if he doesn't feel the Peter Tingle. Since Scarecrow has no powers, Spider-Man could walk right up to him, and lay him out flat with one punch.


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