Marvel Phase 4: 10 Mutants Who Should Be MCU X-Men

Either Storm is the leader or we riot. This is non-negotiable.

Magma X Men
Marvel Comics

The X-Men are finally slated to join the MCU, and all it cost us was the loss of yet another major film studio to the eldritch abomination known as Disney. ...Yay?

However, we are left with something of an issue. Fox has spent the past two decades putting out X-Men films in order to avoid giving Marvel their stuff back, so the American movie-going public are now very aware of many members of the Charles Xavier's uncanny group. So when Marvel reintroduces the X-Men, they have more fires to put out than just explaining how the hell mutants fit into the MCU to begin with (which to be fair, Marvel has been trying to do for years).

One way to circumvent the problem altogether is to introduce brand new mutant characters that the Fox movies never touched because their names weren't Wolverine.

For this list, we'll be ignoring the obvious picks like Cyclops, Xavier, Jean Grey and yeah, Wolverine, because of COURSE they're gonna be in the new movies. These are mutants that either have never appeared at all or didn't get the attention they deserved because, again, not Wolverine.

10. Storm

Magma X Men
Jen Bartel/Marvel Comics

Not everyone on this list is gonna be some obscure character from the most random corners of the X-Men mythos, they're just gonna be characters that the previous movies haven't quite given their due compared to the comics they hail from.

While Storm certainly had a role to play in the X-Men movies, they kinda sold her short on just how much of a powerhouse she is. Storm is one of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel universe, able to control the very heavens above and create any meteorological event the sky is able to produce on a whim regardless of the location she's currently in.

She's also one of the most intelligent members of the team, often put in charge of the X-Men themselves because hey, are you gonna argue with her on seniority? I didn't think so.

The new X-Men movies have a lot to improve upon when it comes to the movie series that preceded them. Spending every single movie hyper-focusing on Storm instead of Wolverine certainly wouldn't be a bad place to start.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?