MCU Phase 4: 10 Romances We Want To See Post-Infinity Saga

7. Black Bolt And Medusa

Storm Black Panther

The 2017 Inhumans television show was canned before it could have gone anywhere. Most will argue that this was rightfully warranted, but Marvel's royal couple deserves to be given the regal treatment in a future MCU film.

Black Bolt and Medusa, as king and queen of Atillan, have a very, multifaceted relationship. That is because their love and friendship with one another often intertwines with their royal duties. This can provide the basis of a very interesting storyline, if given the proper direction. Not unlike the romance found between T'Challa and Nakia in Black Panther, a character's sense of duty often conflicts with the person that they are fond of.

This only serves as an incentive for us to cheer them on, when the story necessitates romance. Black Bolt's inability to verbally communicate can also influence how these two are able to overcome this burden.

Past comics have shown them being able to connect with one another in lieu of verbal communication, which can only ensure that their eventual film debut will showcase the best parts of their characters.


Hi, I'm Damian. Introduce-iest enough?