MCU Phase 5: 10 Insane Predictions You Need To Know
Doctor Doom Vs. Doctor Strange? You know you want to see it.

Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is underway! Despite having to significantly delay itself for... reasons, shows like WandaVision are set to hit Disney + later this year, and the Marvel movies have been cemented to next year for their release, meaning it won't be long until the franchise's fourth phase is deep into its progression.
So you know what that means, then: it's time to speculate on what might be coming in the next phase.
Considering that we don't really know what the next phase of the MCU will have in store for us, since we barely know anything about THIS phase for... reasons, anything said here is nothing but pure speculation based on the evidence Marvel has provided for us so far.
But with that said, there's still a lot of that evidence to work with, based on what's coming up in this phase and what's transpired previously. These predictions for the far off phase 5 may not come to pass, but then again, they just might, and it's sure to be a fun as hell time no matter which outcome we end up with.
10. Namor Solo Film

Originally, Black Panther 2 was going to be the film that kicked off Phase 5, with it introducing one of the original Marvel heroes - Namor The Sub-Mariner. But with the tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman, whether or not that'll still happen is officially up in the air. Its 2022 release was already iffy what with the ongoing global situation, but the loss of the main lead officially means the entire film needs to be rethought.
Frankly, at this point, it might be an idea just to give Namor his own solo film anyway.
Seeing as how Namor is, again, one of the original Marvel creations, it just makes more sense to give him his own solo movie like he deserves. The only problem is that, like the original Captain Marvel, not a lot of people actually... LIKE Namor.
Now this isn't a dealbreaker as Marvel Studios has done more with less (at least people have HEARD of Namor), but making people fall for "Aquaman but grumpy and broody" without a more beloved character to balance him out, will be an uphill battle. But given the tough circumstances, it's likely the best move.