Mecha Quiz: Can You Name All Of These Mechs From Comics, Cartoons, And Film?
Only the most ardent fans of Mecha, Giant Robots, and Mechanical Monsters will ace this quiz!

Mecha have been a part of popular culture since the 1860s, but they didn't remain in the era of SteamPunk for long. As soon as manga became a thing, mechs, giant robots, and mechanical monsters were here to stay, and before long, they joined other genres of popular culture.
Mechs appear in comic books, cartoons, manga, anime, feature films, and model kits. They can be found in just about every country in the world in one form or another, so it takes a serious fan to know about more than one or two series' mechs.
After all, it's no easy task to follow all the series that contain mecha, and some fans are better than others. If you think you're able to name ten mechs from across the many places they appear in fiction, this quiz may be the one for you, but getting 100% is no easy task!
The mecha featured in this quiz include single-pilot, double-pilot, multi-mech-pilot, giant robots, mecha-like masses of energy, and more. If you get a perfect score on this quiz, you can tell your friends that you're the most knowledgeable person they know, where mechs are concerned.