Secret Wars: Breaking Down The 40 Regions Of Battleworld

24. The City

Well that's good and vague. What city would that be then, exactly? It's probably not New York, since Manhattan is marked on the Battleworld map as being elsewhere. Plus it's its own distinct thing and, despite what people who live there might think, Manhattan is not separate from the rest of New York. The identity of The City, then, is a little up in the air. Could it be New York? Or some alternate New York? It borders a couple of other quadrants whose action primarily occurred in New York, so maybe it's a mash up of a load of them. Maybe it's the name given to the generic battlefield the majority of the Secret Wars will be fought on. What gives, Hickman?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at