Secret Wars: Breaking Down The 40 Regions Of Battleworld

12. Westchester

One of the weirdest of the teaser images Marvel released for Secret Wars was the X-Men 92 piece. Not a particular storyline, nor an alternate reality, but a certain era of Marvel's mighty mutants that stands out for many fans as a high water mark for the comic books (when they were being handled by X-Icon Chris Claremont and artist Jim Lee) and the decade that the celebrated animated series, which mostly drew from that run, began around the same time. Which means that Battleworld could very well see current-day Cyclops coming to blows with his younger self, with the yellow belts all over his chest and stuff. Honestly, it'll be worth it just to bring back Jubilee to her old bubblegum-blowing self, not the weird vampire stuff that's going on right now.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at