Sept 11th 2001 - Remembering Those We Lost Ten Years Ago
As we remember the heroes of September 11th, we also remember the victims and their families. Ten years after so many needless deaths, the world continues to search for inspirational, heroic figures that altruistically sacrifice their own interests for our sake

I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams.The attacks on September 11th unveiled real-life heroes that intrinsically fit Aunt Mays heroic definition and purpose. Firefighters and police officers, for example, ran into the burning towers in hopes of finding and rescuing survivors. Firefighters around the world do the same thing every day. When people are in danger, a small number of heroes choose to lay their lives down in the defense of life and freedom. September 11th showed that heroes exist somewhere in every human being, just as Aunt May suggested. The free world lives in comfort knowing that such heroes are nearby, protecting freedom from those who would compromise it. While September 11th showcased regular, every-day heroes, it also revealed villains, agents of evil in pursuit of destroying freedom. In comic books and film, such people are known as villains. Few forget the likes of Magneto, The Green Goblin, Dr. Octopus, Lex Luthor, and various other characters with dreams of world dominance and heroic destruction. The villains of September 11th were not terrorists. The end-game for terrorists is the promotion of fear and terror, but the masterminds behind the attacks believed that the lifestyles of those living in the United States are intrinsically evil, and it is better for them to die than live. The effects of violent extremism do indeed result in wide-spread terror, but the intent is far from the spread of terror. In reality, the villains of September 11th had much in common with comic book villains, as their goals were destruction, death, and the violent promotion of their viewpoints. I often wonder what would have happened if we had a super-powered hero as seen in the comic-books on September 11th. Would the outcome of the events have changed if Superman showed up to prevent the jets from crashing into the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and a field near Washington DC? I remember seeing comic art with a line-up of classic superheroes standing with their heads hung low while standing in front of the rubble at the World Trade Center. Even through their valiant efforts to protect humanity, the mightiest heroes in imagination could not prevent the horrors of September 11th.