Spider-Man: 10 Dumbest Creative Decisions The Comics Have Ever Made

7. Everything About "Sins Past" (Seriously, Everything)

Spider-Man Mephisto
Marvel Comics

J. Michael Straczynski was on track to go down as perhaps one of the greatest Amazing Spider-Man writers of all-time, but he really lost the plot near the end (that's still a title he deserves if you just stop reading after John Romita Jr. left the series).

For proof of that, look no further than "Sins Past." When Peter Parker is attacked by two masked assailants, he unmasks one of them and finds Gwen Stacy's face staring back at him. As the story unfolds, it's revealed that Spidey's lost love had an affair with Norman Osborn, and fled to Europe after falling pregnant.

There, she gave birth to Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy, two children who rapidly aged to adulthood thanks to the Goblin serum coursing through their father's veins. Gabriel becomes the "Grey Goblin," while Sarah becomes friendly with Peter. It was just weird and terrible, and sullied The Night Gwen Stacy Died storyline by revealing the real reason Norman killed Gwen was because of said affair.

Both characters have mostly been forgotten since, and while the story hasn't exactly been retconned, it's unlikely to ever be referenced again.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.