Thor: Ranking Every Hammer Worst To Best

2. The Hammer Of Thorion

Thor Corps
Amalgam Comics

Back in the 1990s, Marvel and DC put their differences aside to show the world how closely related their IPs actually were. The two publishing houses created an imprint called Amalgam Comics with the goal of combining their most popular characters into single beings.

Thor found himself paired up with the New God, Orion from the DC Universe to become, Thorion of the New Gods. He only ever appeared once, as most Amalgam characters did, but he held a mighty weapon.

In the story, Thorion was locked in a perpetual battle of dominance with his father, Thanoseid, and L'ok D'saad. He carried a hammer, which featured a shorter handle and leather strap, but it was far more powerful than the typical Mjolnir of the Marvel Universe since it had to provide enough power to boost whoever wielded it to both Thor and Orion-levels of mightiness.

Thorion's hammer could tap into the Astro Force, a type of amalgamized DC/Marvel cosmic energy, which granted his powers, and also bring about the second Ragnarok. Frankly, it has to sit at a power level higher than the original simply due to the fact that it channeled the energy of two gods instead of the usual one.


Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer, and game designer. Jonathan retired from the U.S. Army in 2017 and enjoys researching and writing about history, science, theology, and many other subjects. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: