What Happened To Every Version Of The Hulk?

6. Amadeus Cho/Brawn

Hulk Joe Fixit
Marvel Comics

Initially made into the Hulk when Cho channeled the rage monster's energy into himself in Totally Awesome Hulk #4, Amadeus would serve as the main Hulk for a significant portion of time, having essentially ‘cured’ Banner’s gamma radiation.

But this wouldn’t last, as when Banner was resurrected from his death in Civil War II, it would be with the Hulk still within him - as Bruce would come to realise the Hulk was immortal, and bringing the scientist back with him each time.

Cho had a similarly rough experience, as he would learn that his Hulk form was more difficult to control than he’d initially realised, and would end up shooting himself into space to try and prevent anyone from getting hurt by him.

Amadeus would eventually come to terms with the beast as part of his repressed dark side, joining with his Hulk form in The Incredible Hulk #717 to become ‘just Cho’ - although he’s still affectionally known as Brawn.


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