What Happened To Every Version Of The Hulk?

3. Doc Green

Hulk Joe Fixit
Marvel Comics

After Banner mistakenly thought that Tony Stark was responsible for him being turned into the Hulk, the scientist decided to make a new Hulk persona - seemingly just to spite Stark.

In order to prove a threat to Tony, Bruce ups his intake of the Extremis virus - which he was using in small doses to repair brain damage - creating Doc Green, a super-smart version of the Hulk, who is mercifully smart enough to recognise that Iron Man was not responsible for the Hulk being created in the first place.

After a series of adventures - and creating a serum which he used to depower several other creatures created via Gamma radiation - Doc realises that the virus that upgraded his intelligence is a temporary fix, and thus returns to being the regular Hulk.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.