What Happened To Everyone Who Became Heralds Of Galactus?

10. Air-Walker

Air Walker Galactus
Marvel Comics

The interesting thing about Air-Walker is that he was actually a part of the galaxy famous Nova Corps, and has found himself split between an eclectic mix of comics since his initial appearance in Fantastic Four #120. Canonically, he is Galactus' next herald after the Silver Surfer is banished to Earth.

Walker's devotion to Galactus is unlike the Surfer's in that he's a more than willing ally to the Devourer of Worlds, with his master even coming to consider him as a friend as their partnership persists.

Unfortunately for both Galactus and his friend, Walker is killed while searching for another planet for him to gobble up. Galactus finds him just in time to transfer his consciousness to an android body, but the automaton is merely a shadow of the character's former self, which leads Galactus to seek the Surfer out once more to see if he'd be interested in taking back his old job - which he isn't.

Somewhat depressingly, Air-Walker has been engulfed by a cycle of life and death for years on end. He's killed and then rebuilt over and over again, finally meeting a permanent end in 2006's Annihilation.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.