What Happened To Everyone Who Became Iron Fist?

4. Wolverine

Iron Fist Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

Your writer couldn't let this list go without one or two curveballs, at least. Since the Iron Fist powers are the sort that are passed from one person to the next, it only makes sense that at least one Marvel hero has taken over the powers, at least for a time.

When the Avengers found themselves going head to head with Agamotto in a one-on-one magical duel during the storyline "The Heroic Age", they decided to stack the deck in their favour as much as they could. So, the Avengers - which at the time included Jessica Jones, Ms. Marvel, Wolverine, Victoria Hand, Luke Cage, Mockingbird, the Thing, Spider-Man, and yes, Iron Fist, agreed to magically transfer all of their powers into one guy to take on Agamotto.

And who else could handle that kind of power being poured into him but Wolverine?

Needless to say, the sight of Wolverine wielding not only the Iron Fist powers, but the powers of an entire Avengers team all at once, made for an absolutely bloody glorious 22 pages of entertainment.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?