What Happened To Everyone Who Became Iron Fist?

2. Orson Randall

Iron Fist Marvel Comics

It was only a matter of time before Iron Fist readers found out who came right before Danny Rand. So with that said, who here wants to hear about a fundamentally good man being beaten down by a cruel cruel world to the point where he grew to resent the powers given to him?

Orson Randall was a warrior of K'un-Lun like the rest, but after gaining the powers of the Iron Fist he left the city to help fight in World War I. As you can imagine, poor Orson saw some sh*t before the war was over.

Like many veterans of the Great War, Orson fell deep into drugs and alcohol to drown the nightmares of what he had seen, even vowing to only use his powers when absolutely necessary. However, as is the destiny of all beaten down, grizzled former heroes, along came an optimistic pre-teen to rejuvenate his faith in humanity. Which, in this case, was Danny Rand's father, Wendell. This is how Wendell learned of K'un-Lun in the first place, which would definitely be of some use to our final entry.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?