What Happened To Everyone Who Killed Spider-Man?

4. Wolverine

Ultimate Spider-Man Death
Marvel Comics

Another What If? story, 1989 featured a tale where Spider-Man - amongst countless others - was killed off as part of an offering dubbed What if the X-Men Had Lost Inferno?

Readers saw a landscape where the demonic Inferno arc had been redone where S'ym and the Goblin Queen were successfully sustained a gateway between Limbo and Earth.

As a result, several notable members of Xavier's famed mutants were turned into demonic versions of themselves, with the world falling into chaos as these evil sorts ruled with an iron fist.

On the other side of this, Doctor Strange puts together a group of would-be rebels looking to bring down S'ym and his corrupted followers. One such rebel is Spider-Man, but the Wall-crawler ends up as one of the many dead bodies piled high during this tale.

Amongst Hulk snapping the neck of She-Hulk, Captain America casually murdered off-panel and Thor dying in an act of sacrifice, Spidey is slayed by Wolverine as Weapon X gleefully stabs Web-head in the back.

By the close of this story, a Phoenix Force-wielding Rachel Summers purges the planet and "saves the day" in extremely loose fashion - as Earth is restarted and reverted back to the primeval days. But hey, no demons, at least.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.