What Happened To Everyone Who Used A Lazarus Pit?

1. Ra's Al Ghul

Ra's al Ghul Lazarus Pit
DC Comics

The Demon’s Head has used a Lazarus Pit more times that the rest of us have had hot dinners. This is a character, of course, who has lived for centuries thanks to taking plentiful dips in the magical waters of his own personal Lazarus Pits.

While some have gone insane – or sane, in The Joker’s case – after experiencing the powers of the Lazarus Pit, Ra’s has become wiser and more cunning as the years have gone by.

This is, after all, one of Batman’s most intelligent and calculating of foes. And a large part of that is down to the mystical energy and enhancements given off by Ra’s’ time in the Lazarus Pit.

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