What Happened To Everyone Who Used A Lazarus Pit?

3. Nora Fries

Ra's al Ghul Lazarus Pit
DC Comics

As Pet Sematary is fond of reminding us, sometimes dead is better. And that certainly seems to be the case for Nora Fries.

Victor Fries is a fascinating villain due to the fact that he has a very sincere and genuine motivation for the heinous acts he commits. Well, for the most part, at least. For Mr. Freeze, it comes down to his desperation to somehow find a way to bring his beloved wife Nora back to life. Having done a favour for Nyssa Raatko, Victor was given access to use a Lazarus Pit to bring Nora back to her living form.

Quicker than you could say “cool party” or “let’s kick some ice”, things took a turn for the worse as the chemicals used to keep Nora suspended in frozen animation for years had altered her genetic make-up in a way that reacted badly with the Pit. So badly, in fact, that this resurrection left Nora crazed and with the ability to manipulate flames and bring back the dead. Oh, and worst of all for Victor, his wife took on the villainous moniker of Lazara and proclaimed her complete and utter hatred for her husband.

Here’s where you insert your own inane pun about taking a chill pill.

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Senior Writer

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