What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

9. Flash Thompson

Venom character
Marvel Comics

Flash is arguably the most heroic of all the people to have held the Venom symbiote, helped in no small part by the fact that Flash was one of the few people capable of reasoning with the alien creature, allowing him to convince it to behave in ways that it wouldn't have for pretty much anyone else.

Flash would use the symbiote for heroic deeds, such as his defeat of the villainous Spider-Queen, and freeing the town of Doverton from Carnage's infection and control, all of which helped the symbiote to create a proper sense of morality.

Venom would remember Flash the most fondly, and although it would go back to being bonded with Eddie Brock, still cared deeply for the soldier - appearing heartbroken when Flash died in a fight with the Red Goblin, going as far as to turn into a tuxedo to respect him when Venom and Brock went to Thompson's funeral.


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