What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

16. Eddie Brock

Venom character
Marvel Comics

Brock is likely the first person anyone would respond with when asked who has worn an alien symbiote. The third person to actually wield the alien beast, Eddie would also end up being the first to properly understand the creature, with the symbiote bonding more strongly to him than it would with anyone else in its collection of various hosts.

Which is surprising given that, for a good portion of time, the symbiote despised Brock. Latching onto the journalist after being separated from Peter Parker, the Klyntar grew furious at how different the quick-to-anger Eddie was, with the two only bonding over time as they fought alongside one another.

Currently, Eddie is still the holder of the Venom symbiote - although knowing comics, this is unlikely to be a permanent situation.


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