What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

13. The Life Foundation Team

Venom character
Marvel Comics

When Venom was captured by The Life Foundation, the organisation would use his genetic material to create five symbiotes - Scream, Riot, Lasher, Agony and Phage.

These five would be bonded to the Foundation's hired mercenaries, with the intention of weaponising symbiotes on a huge scale.

Said plan would ultimately fail, ending with the symbiotes and their hosts though dead - until Spider-Man #52, where it is revealed that the Life Foundation had worked tirelessly to keep the aliens and their hosts alive.

This wouldn't last long, however, as all of these mercenaries would eventually die due to their involvement with the symbiotes, with the other four being killed by Scream's host, Donna Diego, who would then be taken out by Venom in retaliation for her blaming the murders on them.


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