10 Actors Who Could Play Donald Trump In A Film Biopic
5. Jon Voight
This is not a drill. I repeat. This is not a drill!
There's actually an actor in Hollywood that supported Donald Trump's run for presidency, despite the fact that Trump repeatedly bashed his daughter, Angelina Jolie (no, not like that, you savages).
Yes, much to the dismay of everyone else in Hollywood, Jon Voight is a fan of The Donald, and because of it he was even called "delusional" by Robert De Niro, perhaps the most aggressive anti-Trumpet. In endorsing Trump's campaign, Voight alleged that the predominantly left-wing entertainment industry, especially talk-show hosts, were pedalling lies and propaganda in order to smear his new political hero. Voight also described Trump as "playful" and "honest", as well as "colourful", the latter of which might not really be a compliment.
So, if any producer in Hollywood wanted to make a film celebrating Donald Trump's outlandish achievement (and probably get blacklisted in the process), Jon Voight is the man to cast. Not only is he a very talented actor, he actually sort of looks like Trump, and he isn't much older than the president of the United States either, so the budget for the make-up and prosthetics should be relatively low too. Voight may see it as an honour to take on the role and level the playing field in Hollywood for Trump a little bit.