10 Awesome Movie Gunfights You've Probably Never Seen

7. The Last Stand (Extreme Prejudice)

A muscular modern day western from director Walter Hill that makes you feel about 37% more manly just by watching it. Nick Nolte stars as a Texas Ranger who finds himself in conflict with his former best friend who's now a Mexican drug kingpin. Complicating things further for Nolte is a Special Forces team, led by Michael "Gravel Voice" Ironside, that's been ordered to take his best friend out before a drug war erupts. In the third act Nolte reluctantly accompanies this team on a trip to Mexico to the kingpin's hideout for a showdown, which ends with more firepower being expended than an NRA weekend retreat. Featuring Hill's signature themes of brotherhood and codes of honour amongst heroes and villains, Extreme Prejudice is a gem of a movie that doesn't seem to get much recognition these days. While the film isn't exactly starved for action before this epic showdown, it easily manages to eclipse all that's come before it. This setpiece can basically be summed up as The Wild Bunch on steroids, and it's not so much a gunfight as a small war. It's a head-on collision between Nolte, the kingpin's private army and the Special Forces team that's a solid five minutes of gunfire and bloodshed that few walk away from. Highlights include Ironside's stubborn refusal to let numerous bullet-wounds slow him down, Nolte managing to have a gunfight while he's driving, and Clancy Brown spinning to blast one of the men spraying him with bullets before he dies. Because you just have to admire that kind of determination.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.