10 Awesome Planned Movie Cameos (That Sadly Never Happened)

8. Quentin Tarantino - Battle Royale II: Requirm

Birdman Captain Jack Johnny Depp
Miramax Pictures

Quentin Tarantino absolutely LOVES Battle Royale. He not only claims it’s one of his all-time favourite movies, but that it’s the only film he wishes he’d directed himself. He even cast Chiaki Kuriyama as Gogo in Kill Bill, based off of her performance.

Since Tarantino’s love of the film was hardly a secret, the producers of the sequel – subtitled Requiem – invited him to make a small cameo. He was meant to play the U.S President, who would have ordered the Japanese government to make a final assault on the film’s rebels during the climax. Tarantino was too busy with Kill Bill at the time, so it didn’t come to pass.

Which is too bad, since Battle Royale II: Requiem is such a glum mess it really could have benefitted from some Tarantino haminess to brighten things up.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.