10 Awful Films The Big Bang Theory Actors Want Us To Forget

7. Kunal Nayyar – Sweetness In The Belly (2019)

Kaley Cuoco Big Bang Theory
Entertainment One

Rotten Tomatoes score: 40%

You can just smell the awards bait on some films. A period setting? Check. A main character who must overcome alienation and discrimination to achieve their destiny? Check. Based on a book? Check. Surely those best film nominations will be rolling in anytime now.

There’s just one issue. For your movie to have a chance at snagging the top prizes, it has to actually be a good movie. And this tale of an Ethiopian woman who escapes to England as a refugee never manages to be anything more than sickly sentimental. It has nothing to say about anything and its main character, played by Dakota Fanning, is quite simply too boring to be the star of the show.

Kunal Nayyar, despite trying his best, is given virtually nothing to do as Fanning’s dorky British love interest. The whole thing reeks of someone adapting a novel without realising that film is a visual medium and that things actually have to happen on screen, lest the audience lose interest completely.


Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.