10 Awful Films The Big Bang Theory Actors Want Us To Forget

6. Simon Helberg – We’ll Never Have Paris (2014)

Kaley Cuoco Big Bang Theory
Orion Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 32%

One of the most common pieces of writing advice given to newcomers is to ‘write what you know’. This can be interpreted metaphorically, as a suggestion to write about emotions or feelings that are familiar to you, or it can be taken literally. Husband and wife duo Simon Helberg and Jocelyn Towne decided to take the latter approach and pen a film based on the true story of their engagement.

Let’s just hope that the actual event and subsequent wedding were a little more enjoyable than whatever this is.

The whole story ends up feeling like a sitcom episode stretched to breaking point, following the attempts of Helberg, playing the fictionalised version of himself, to win back his former girlfriend that he regrets treating so poorly, played by Melanie Lynskey.

It’s a wonder that this got made at all, since it seems as though Helberg and Towne would be the only people actually interested in hearing this story. It’s a deeply unfunny, deeply unmoving mess that would’ve been better off had it just remained a vaguely amusing anecdote for the couple to tell at parties.


Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.