10 Awful Films The Big Bang Theory Actors Want Us To Forget

5. Kaley Cuoco – Hop (2011)

Kaley Cuoco Big Bang Theory
Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 24%

The movies produced by Illumination Entertainment garner…mixed receptions, to say the least. Their overuse of the Minions, the yellow mascots who debuted in their first feature film Despicable Me, often induces rage from certain corners of the internet. Lazy animation and cookie-cutter scripts are also the focus of a lot of the criticism and if you’ve seen their 2011 disaster Hop, it’s hard to refute those claims.

In fairness, the animation here is more impressive than usual from Illumination, with the combination of live-action and animation elements actually holding up pretty well.

Unfortunately, if you’ve seen literally any animated movie in your entire life, you can guess how this one will end up in the first ten minutes. A down on his luck guy played by James Marsden meets a talking rabbit and they have to work together to find an evil villain. If you think there has to be more to it then that, there isn’t.

Kaley Cuoco is once again reduced to the female sidekick role as Marsden’s blank slate of a younger sister. Maybe one day she’ll actually get a role that will show off her talents and not just put another embarrassing entry on her IMDb page.


Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.