10 Best First Kills From Horror Movies

9. Keith Toshko - Barbarian

Urban Legend movie
Fox Searchlight

One of 2022's best horrors, Barbarian chronicles what happened when a young woman's stay at an AirBnB goes horribly wrong.

Tess (played by Georgina Campbell) arrives at her booking to find more than just complimentary tea and jam inside. Instead, an entire man is in her room. This is Keith Toshko, played by Bill SkarsgÄrd.

Naturally suspicious of Pennywise, Tess believes that Keith is up to something sinister. Instead, in a brilliant twist, it is he who falls victim to the movie's real antagonist.

After stumbling upon a secret passage underneath the hotel, Keith goes to investigate. When Tess goes in after him, he has been savagely attacked by The Mother, a deformed, dehumanised woman who lives in the tunnels.

She brutally murders Keith in front of Tess, bashing his head repeatedly into the wall until it looked like someone ran over a packet of mincemeat with a truck.

The ruthless manner in which Keith is killed, combined with the shock of learning that he is not actually a baddie, make this one of the most effective opening kills in modern horror.

You'll never use a hotel ever again.

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Urban Legend
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.