10 Best Magneto Moments

1. "I Prefer... Magneto" - X-Men: First Class

i prefer magneto fassbender
20th Century Fox

Although this is decidedly less epic than aforementioned moments, this is the most satisfying moment for many fans.

Across eight films, this is the only appearance of Magneto's comic-accurate red suit, and it is the moment he adopts his alter ego, Magneto - all while the Magneto theme builds up in a spine-tingling finale.

While it is disappointing that this red suit was only worn once, it makes this moment even more memorable. The immense amount of fan service contained within this moment makes it Magneto's best one across the franchise.

The impact of this moment on fans is not to be underestimated either. For the entirety of the film, we see Erik as someone to root for, despite his dark outbursts, yet deep down, everybody knew what he would become - and this is the point at which he embraces his identity. "I prefer... Magneto."

A first class scene, from a first class movie.

X-Men Quiz: Who Said It - Professor X Or Magneto?

Magneto Professor X
Marvel Comics

1. Just Because Someone Stumbles And Loses Their Path, Doesn't Mean They're Lost Forever.

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X-Men Magneto
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