10 Best Magneto Moments

2. Lifting A Stadium - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

The action-packed climax of X-Men: Days of Future Past is driven by Magneto in full force.

Before making a grand speech to the world about how mutants are the natural successors to the earth, impaling Wolverine, and attempting to kill President Richard Nixon, Magneto performs what is arguably his most phenomenal feat: he lifts an entire sports stadium off the ground, lifting himself with it, and lands it in such a way as to encircle the White House - all while simultaneously controlling a horde of Sentinel robots.

This is arguably his most gargantuan achievement throughout the entire X-Men franchise.

The cold yet content expression as he glides through the air, surveying the crowds beneath him, as well as the score building up in the background, leaves no doubt that Magneto is one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel universe.

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X-Men Magneto
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