10 Best Musical Moments In 2013 Movies

3. "Everytime" - Spring Breakers

Everytime Sb The controversial Spring Breakers pretty much divided audiences when it fever-dreamed its way into theatres earlier this year, and although the merits of the film itself are certainly up for debate, it did have one hell of a soundtrack. There we all kinds of wild tracks to appreciate scattered throughout the movie - which featured James Franco in a brilliantly transformative role as a Florida drug and arms dealer - including the likes of Skrillex and Gucci Mane. But Spring Breaker's most memorable and oddly touching scene came at its mid-point, when Franco gathers the eponymous Spring Breakers around his piano and sings them a bizarrely emotional rendition of Britney Spear's "Everytime," which slowly fades into the real version of the song. What is this all about, exactly? I'm not sure we even want to know, but there is something insanely brilliant about watching Franco commit to this in the way he does. Note: Spring Breakers was technically made back in 2012, but it didn't get released in US theatres until July 9th 2013, so we think it's okay to include it on the list.

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