10 Best X-Men Movies Fight Scenes

1. Nightcrawler Attacks The White House - X-Men 2

Wolverine VS Lady Deathstrike
20th Century Fox

One of the greatest character introductions in comic book movie history. Nightcrawler made his debut in X-Men 2 and he did so with a bang.

Immediately letting loose on the White House, Nightcrawler demonstrates his teleporting abilities by taking out numerous guards in the corridors in beautiful, seamless fashion. The powers remain faithful to the comic book, yet they look beautiful on screen.

We then see Nightcrawler teleport into a room full of guards and he manages to take down every single one without touching the ground once. This masterfully showcases the ferocity of Nightcrawler when compared to the other X-Men. This was something that we hadn’t seen in comic book movies at the time.

Nightcrawler eventually gets to the President just as he is caught off guard and shot in the back, narrowly failing to accomplish his plan. While his plan was unsuccessful, this scene was insanely successful in creating a fight scene that would be talked about for years to come.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.